Tuesday, October 7, 2014

And so it begins once again......Fall 2014

And so it begins....The Fall 2015 steelhead season is upon us and we are filled with visions of acrobatic chrome laying our tired arms to waste.

Monday I met up with Bill and Frank for what I hope to be many, many ,many trips this fall.
We hit the stream early and hard with some success. It was a great day with nice green water.

There are mornings on the water when  the competitive spirit comes out and your not as relaxed due to stream traffic or other setbacks. This was not one of those days. The water was right,the company was right and there were a few fish that were eager to do business.

Strangely enough I even broke a smile  a few times and cracked a few jokes with these fine gentleman.

As always Bill and Frank put on a clinic.

I added a few to the numbers myself.

All in all a fine morning on the water with two of the best human beings I know.

I could not  have asked for a better day off from the office.

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