Thursday, February 26, 2009

A couple of fish.................

I have no pics from today but here is a brief report.
I stated off in Chautauqua county on a smaller trib at sun up. The creek was flowing and a good level and was a nice green. There only ice jam was right at the lake so there was a lot of open water. I hit a few spots and picked up a silver skip on the first drift through one pool and then moved to another pool and picjed up a bigger female also silver on the first drift through. there were no 2nd takers in either spot. I did notice the outline of a few fish sitting in the very back of tail outs but I didnt mess with them for too long as they were sitting in about 8 inches of water.

I then worked my way back to Erie County. Silver was still iced up from the town right too the lake. the ditches were iced up. Big Sister's was green and only james right at the beach. I tried up stream on this trib with no takers.

I stopped at my usual spot which was not frozen over today on 18 but had no takers. the lower reaches are still frozen for at least a mile from the lake.

Sorry about no pictures the phone rang while I was releasing the female and the skipper was a dink.
hopefully more ice will melt over night.

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