Saturday, October 17, 2009

Mike was smiling.............

Yesterday Mike took a mental health day from the office and joined me for a day on the water. With the weatherman's predictions we were expecting snow/rain and wind similar to the day before. There were a few sprinkles and no wind which made it more comfortable. Friday brought more people on the water and I don't blame them. A lot of people have been waiting for green water.

To keep it short, Mike got a few fish today and lost a few and had a ball doing it. I got a couple too and lost some but the fishing wasn't on fire like the day before. We were on the move as often is the case this time of year as spots you hoped to fish were occupied.

A little exercise and a little fun is never a bad thing.......

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun Joe.
    I wouldn't mind heading that way at some pont this year.
    Hard to make time for everything though isn't it?.
    Well done
