An accounting of the trials and tribulations of a centerpin addict in pursuit of steelhead in the Lake Erie tributaries of New York State.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
On the drop............

Saturday, November 28, 2009
one for two............
No pics today..........
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
A Birds Eye View..........................

Though we did not hit it right and a few fisherman I talked to at one of the pools did not either today or yesterday; It was nice to be out with a few good friends and a special stop at Sprague's General Store.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Today with Frank................

Saturday, November 21, 2009
Found a few..................

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

It appeared today that the females I encountered were all silver and fresh and the males were getting darkened up.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Fresh air.....................
Thanks for the company guys.
Friday, November 13, 2009
The Commander saves the day......

The Commander and I returned to my truck and decided to work our way back home. we decided that the Commander would guide me today to some of his home water and that he did.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Alien abduction continues......

We fished four different section of the system today.
Nice green water
Mild temps
Good water flow
Very limited number of fish caught
A ghost town in comparison to previous years.
Where did all the fish go?
What of many variables is off the norm?
What do the fish know that we do not?
Monday, November 9, 2009
Alien abduction of steelhead population rumored....
We were all hyped up to get on the water with the hopes we would hit good conditions.
Well despite what we would consider good conditions, the pickings were slim. We did a lot of walking and not much catching to our dismay. We literally threw everything at them in our vests to no avail.
Why they had lockjaw today?
I have no idea and it left my well seasoned and more accomplished fishing partners scratching their heads.
I guess a comfort to all of us was that we saw very limited catching by others.
I just might have to put down the fishing sticks for a day to reboot the computer so to speak as the trying conditions put my enthusiasm at a low point.
I don't think I like this sport anymore..........................LOL
Sunday, November 8, 2009
I'm just tellin' ya. We aint goin' to catch anything......

Those were my words of wisdom when Commander Tom picked me up this morning. Usually I have a good intuition on if fishing is going to be good and where we might get into them on any given day.
But lately the fish for the most part except for the odd day have been spread out more than usual.
I told Tom were were going to be doing a little walking and to expect a lot of company. A projected 65 degree day and you know every Tom, Dick, and Harry get out on the water.
Never the less, we walked until we got away from most human beings and found a few fish to take our offering. We ended our day about noon time with our forced march making soup out of our waders.
Gee Commander you look a little happy in that picture..................
Friday, November 6, 2009
Fishing with B squared..........
We were off to our fourth spot to a trib which unfortunately has become one of the most overpopulated by fisherman this season. There were cars and trucks up and down the trib. The three of us stopped at a well known spot behind a church and Buda gave us the best line of the day. He rolled down the window of his truck, surveyed all the vehicles and asked if there was mass today.
We all laughed and hit one more spot with room on that trib and Bill picked up a fish.

The last stop of the day was one of Buda's special spots and she was a beauty. As we walked into the gorge and breathed in the crisp, cool, fall air. Buda noticed the buck scrapings on the branches. Buda is an expert hunter and picks up the smallest signs of deer presence in the woods.
We all admired the towering cliffs and autumn colors as we hiked our way in. The water was a nice green. We picked up a few fish and Bill even picked up a brown.
It turned out to be a great morning not for the numbers of fish but for the quality of the company we kept and the beauty our tributaries afford us all at this time of the year.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
18 Squared............

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
A tale of two rivers.......
I voted bright and early at 6am and then met Bill and Frank for a morning expedition with the hope of catching a few fish and to hear tales of their trip to a different Great Lake yesterday.
I beat them to the access point so I walked into the dark abyss all by my lonesome with the hopes of putting a fish on the bank at sun up while waiting for them. That I did not do but they came in about 10 minutes behind me.
The Premier headed for the Premier Pool while Bill and I fished Little Wheel with hopes of moving down to Sulphur Bend.
In the first ten minutes Bill and I put some fish on the bank in the clear to clearing water.
Once we were done we moved down to meet Frank where he was fishing. He apparently got into a few fish. We left him to his own devises with some fly guy who walked into his pool and low holed him. Frank was fine with it I guess until the guy wanted to get all artsy and lit up a pipe.
Frank can't stand smoke period. How about saving the pipe for a rest on the bank and actually focusing on catching fish and not smoking??????????
Once Frank was sufficiently smoked out from the low holer he met us down below sulphur bend.
Bill had a few bites there but is was slow and the water was dropping.
We decided to move up river in hopes of finding more than a few fish here or there.
On the way upstream we passed by Jerry from Renegade Rods. I was surprised to see him as his shoulder has been acting up and it hurts even to cast. As always Jerry was his talkative and friendly self and I introduced him to Bill and Frank.
After a friendly discussion on water,tackle, and a few other tribs; we moved up to a pool. Magic Mike was there with the other Frank and we talked about the same things. The water here was a lot greener with a little brown tinge to it. We couldn't believe this was the same trib we fished below.
Bill and Frank got into some fish and we went on our way for a few sandwiches and some conversation.
A refreshing day on the water and as always a good thing to run into friendly faces on the river.
Until tomorrow.....................
*****There were no pictures taken of today's expedition to protect the innocent and not so innocent and yes they are all guilty.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
DB2 Welcome to thunderdome......
We fished the slower staging water with no luck and the prime spot was filled up this morning.
After we had enough we decided to walk toward the dam to get an eye full of the Zoo.
It was as expected a horrifying sight. Luckily we only saw a few fish caught all day. The sportsmen and I use the term loosely were lined up shoulder to shoulder from trestle to dam.
Honestly that is not fishing and I really don't have a name for it. I still can't believe people pay good money to drive here from out of state to participate in that sideshow.
Lambton if your out there it reminds me of that 1972 Michigan Salmon fishing movie you had up on your blog.
Well after Tom took a few pictures of the Circus to send to Eric in Albany for a chuckle; we moved on to a new creek of Lake O. This mid size creek had no people but the fishing was non existent also.
I am sick of seeing leaves flowing down stream and tea stained water.
Enough is enough. I want my mint green steelhead water back. NOW!
A little snow on the ground wouldnt be bad either......