Monday, October 31, 2011

One from here and one from there...........

Happy Halloween Children!!!

Today was a slow day but it was sure better than a skunk. I started on the medium sized trib where the water still had good flow but was clear in the area I was fishing. I threw on a bead and on my walk back up to the truck I landed a nice male.

 I spent about an hour there before I made a quick pit stop and decided to challenge myself on the big trib which was still moving about 650 cfs. She was still brown but she had a little green starting to mix in to her color. I changed over to 10 grams, long leads and double bagged it for a while then switched over to a jig made with UV yarn. I land one smaller fish there and saw one nice fish caught that took the fisherman down 30 yards with the faster current.

I left after a few hours as the waders are developing slow leaks in the seam at the heel on each foot. The socks get damp but not soaked. It may be time for another purchase.

Until later............


  1. Great summary to a somewhat disappointing conclusion.
    Truth be told, you did better than me! although we were 350km apart. lol
    The thing that most surprises me is that those new waders are already failing!
    Is there a chance that it is solely condensation?
    My wader neoprene feet inside were very damp, but since I wear moisture wicking liners,and wool socks, feet were not cold or wet, but the inside of the neoprene feet were totally wet.

    Give that a thought before you spend your hard earned cash

  2. Both feet have small seam leaks in the heels. I will send them back to Orvis for repair with a 30.00 check. In addition I purchased a pair of wafers from Cabela's today to keep Me going .
