Wednesday, April 29, 2009


With yesterday's rain and a drop in the temps yesterday and into today, I had a feeling there would be some fish to be had.

There was a nice bump in the hydro graph over night so I was on the Catt at first light. There was still good visibility in the water accompanied by a very nice flow.

The best part of the morning is that it slowed down the aggressiveness of the bass bite and kept them off the line. I only caught 5 of those things today.

This morning the steelhead were hungry for jigs in various colors and pink worms. I didn't try roe but I am sure it would have worked. After the first half hour I met up with Jerry and Magic Mike and they did their thing.

I cut it short after about three hours as I was having wicked line twist. So I am off to Gander to get new line and I guess I will have to play like the other kids and use a swivel above my float in addition to the one connecting my main line to the floro. Gee in the old days I would blood knot all my connections and don't remember so many problems.

I am off for new line as there was no tolerating the twist and finishing of the morning.

Monday, April 27, 2009

30 plus bass....??????????

No pictures today because there were no steelhead caught.

After taking off the weekend, I hit the Catt at 6am hoping to get a few drop backs. I didn't know how long Iwould make it as the temps are supposed to get to 81 today.

The reports I received of the weekend stated that there were still dropbacks as far up as Gowanda which means there could be luck anywhere from there down. Fish were still hitting roe and jigs per the reports also.

well I caught no steelhead but got into 30 plus smallies on jigs. It REALLY did become a nuisance though they are great fighters. There appears to have been the first big push of bass from the lake this weekend. Which means either use strictly roe to stay away from the bass or be prepared for their intrusion onto your line with jigs and pink worms.

By 9:30am it started to get hot and I packed it up and left.

One good note is one my buds Skinner X gave me a brand new pair of Hodgeman neoprene stocking foot waders that were just my size. He just had them laying around unused bagged in his garage. So I threw a pair of old Rocky hunting boots that were ready for the garbage over them and some corkers and I was a new man. What a great feeling to take of waders and not have wet socks or sweat pants. These will hold me over for the week or so that is left in this season.

The clock is ticking down and summer is knocking on the door. We have cooler temps forecasted this week after today so hope still springs eternal.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Somebody give me a report this weekend!

Today is a day off and I'm itching already but it is draft day. I'm in the mobile war room reviewing the fist round to see how it will pan out.
And yes of of course the boys turn this annual event into a money pool.
Good Luck to Jay Lupini who will be out on the streams this weekend with his new/used Okuma Sheffield reel.
Jerry or Mike if you see this guy out there fishing where I always bump into you. Give him some tips. You never know he may be a future customer for your toys.
Good luck guys and bring the sun block!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Two hours and I was done this morning.....

First of all ,before I left this morning I deposited my Orvis waders in the garbage bin for this morning's pick up. I will be using my slightly less leaky loaner waders which I will try to aqua seal over the weekend. Unless I completely break down and go wader shopping this weekend. I would rather wait until next season.

I hit the Catt at first light and on my second drift I caught a small chromer on a jig. That was it for that section. Like a dumb dumb I did not clean the grit from the pin last night and she wasn't flowing properly which was not fun. I think I need to lube her up.

Before I left Jerry from Renegade Rods showed up with Magic Mike and some friends. They got a couple fish but I was NOT feeling the magic

Jerry showed me one of his latest toys a red Kingpin Series 1 on a new rod he just whipped up. It was a gorgeous rod with beautiful wrapped, naked mermaids, and steelhead on the shaft.

Jerry ... what are you up to now? Ten pins and how many rods?

His rods are a work of art.

I left those fine fisherman and decided to stop at one spot on the reservation. On my fourth drift I snagged up and lost my float. That was it for me today roughly 2 hours and done and I was happy with it. I have done well lately and I buried the waders today.

Tomorrow I will be off relaxing and watching the NFL draft at Schombatron's household. This is a tradition that goes back over 10 years. Beer, food, and football.

You see here in Buffalo the off season moves and transactions are more exciting than the heartbreaking regular season.

Time to relax........................

Yesterday's PM shift with Comander Tom

Tom shot out of work like a rocket yesterday and we were on the Catt by 4:30pm for my 2nd shift of the day.
As we were driving to the Catt he tells me his wife told us to be careful. She has an odd psychic ability in regard to premonitions. That is all he told me.

Well the first spot we pulled a few fish out of but we had other places to hit.

As I was wading calf deep bumping into tree roots and rocks my already leaky Orvis waders were flooding in the left foot. I got out of water to find an inch and a half gash in the boot section above the ankle. There is no repairing that and her days are done. So I happily dealt with the malfunction issue and we got on with business catching fish on chartreuse eggs and jigs.

We moved to another area of the creek and that is where Tom got on fire and had a great even for what may be his last bite at this season's apple. We also ran into an old friend swinging flies Mr. Jim Kinner who was fishing below us. Tom continued to catch fish and I had a few too. It turned out to be a great evening.

When Tom got home his wife told him her premonition was of a cut in rubber so she was worried we were going to have a truck tire blow out. Tom told her no honey just a tear in the waders but that is close enough.

A good night it was.............

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Here kitty kitty.............................

I fished the Catt from 6:30 to 11am this morning. I was first on the water and I hooked a nice drop back when the Renegade Rod Crew showed up.

The crew consisted of Renegade Jerry, Magic Mike, Tony, and a new guy they just set up with fish first pinning toys.
For the first hour the action was a consistent mix of skippers, resilvered drop backs, and either late spawners who were on their way up river or very healthy droppies.

The cold winds started rocking and everything died down. The Renegade Rod crew decided to hit a different spot on the Rez with 2 guys stopping for coffee another two going to get the new pinner a rez license and I went directly to the assigned dirt road.

I waited for a half hour and didn't see anyone show. I don't know if they sat down for Timmy's or took a different dirt road but I decided to go back to my starting spot. The wind subsided a little and my second drift I hit a real arm burning sob of a fish.

She did not jump but she made 4 epic runs till she relented into my loving arms.

That was worth the trip this morning!

I got into a few smaller fish and then left for a McDouble, Coke, bait, and some damp clothes drying.

I will be out again today with the Commander about 4:30pm.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Burr its cold out there..........

This morning I met Bill Shearer on the Catt at 6 am for a little fishing. We hit one of his spots that had about a foot and a half of visibility after the spike in flow last night. It was still very fishable. I took the top of the run and Bill took the middle to the back of her.

Well of course Bill put on a clinic in the first 4 casts of the day and caught 2 fish. the first one took 5 cart wheel leaps before coming to shore.
I consider it an honor to be schooled by Bill he does it in such a gentlemanly fashion. There is no bragging, no screams , just the smile of a fired up 12 year old on a sugar rush beaming through the half light.

Maybe I need a Kingpin Bill?

Well as hot as it that first 4 casts were, the temperature dropped about 5 degrees instantaneously accompanied by a light rain and a blustery wind. We both knew we were out of business for a while so we went up to the Timmy Ho's for a coffee.

Thanks again for the Girlie Cafe Mocha I requested Bill. I should of took her hot, black , and no sugar after those temps dropped. We spent the next half hour talking fishing and other miscellaneous stuff. At that point Bill decided it was in his best interest to head home north and clear customs to attend to some matters before vacation.

Thanks again Bill.

I on the other hand being the steelhead bum I am hit a different part of the creek in hopes of wiping the skunk off me from earlier. I knew it might be hard with the weather being crappy but I tried. I hopped in the water near Jerry and Mike . They are two of the local hardcore regulars that are on the water all the time. They notified me that had some luck earlier and I watched Jerry land a sweet 10lb chrome hen on his secret presentation. While he was doing that I caught 2 fish on a pink worm/ jig presentation but that was the extent of my catching for the day.

Both Jerry and Mike once they recognized me greeted me kindly and gave me scoop on what was working. I continued to watch Jerry catch some fish and when I asked him what his secret was? His partner Mike commented he pees on his jigs. Now that is a nice secret there guys. these two guys bust on each other as bad as some Lake Huron boys I know. Well almost as bad.

These two warriors were some of the limited few successful fisherman I ran into or heard from today. Good on them!

Jerry is the proprietor of Renegade Rods (716) 435-0200. I don't own one nor does Jerry even know I'm plugging him right now. I just appreciate his unsolicited friendliness on of the water.
That is Jerry in the pic hauling in another fish under dark skies.

Drying out the leaky waders and getting ready for tomorrow right now.
Tomorrow is a double header day.
Some alone time in the morning on the Cat for me and a return to her at 4 or 5pm with the commander for some dusk action.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

This is a short one...........

The rain yesterday put a little spike in the hydro graph but it had no effect on the water conditions or clarity.

I started of at dawn on the Catt. I ran into the the fox again on his rounds. As for the fishing it was was slow my first 4 or 5 stops I could not even get a sniff. After deciding to drop down on the creek I mustered up 1 smaller fish on a pink worm. All other offerings were not working. The bass were not even active.

I did run into a few people with reports of some fish getting caught here or there but nothing solid in any one section. As always at this time of year there is a mix of drop backs and the skippers. Couldn't get my mojo working in 4 hours so I called it day.

Warm weather forecasted for the weekend.

Are we near the end?

Monday, April 20, 2009

Gusty Morning..............

Monday morning.... another day that I had planned to take off. Once again I found myself driving in the dark to the reservation on the Catt. I had to be out for a few hours at least.

Some people go to the gym everyday. Well the water is becoming my gym workout. I start twitching and shaking if I don't get my early morning fresh air walk.

The weather report called for a light rain and windy conditions with gusts in excess of 35 miles per hour from the south-south east.

In the half light I made my way through a wooded area to fish a run. The water has been really nice for the last week and we have been graced with some spring fishing on the Catt. She usually runs brown with April showers this time of year. I popped a few and lost a few on pink presentations and lost a couple after it slowed down on jigs. There was a bass to throw in also.

I was greeted by a special friend while I was fishing. There are times when you can just sense somebody is watching you behind your back. I had that very feeling this morning. I felt eyes staring at my back and I turned around to find a fox about 10 yards away standing there on the bank just looking at me. I looked at him and he looked at me. Then when I said hello and went for a picture he took off into the woods.

I fished a few more spots on the reservation with no luck and the wind was getting stronger and stronger. I did what I could to find areas hidden from the wind but I needed to change locations. I went lower on the creek to where we fished yesterday and spent an hour or two drifting above the railroad bridge. All to report there was a bass on a jig but no steel. I tried a few more spots in that area but the wind was whipping so strong tree branches were cracking in the woods so I called it a day by noon.

Maybe tomorrow... just maybe............

O'Rawe's Law aka Murphy's Law

The Commander picked me up in the pre-dawn hours and we headed to the Catt. We stopped at the tribal gas station to acquire a reservation license for Tom. To my dismay and Tom's frustration they sold out of licenses on Saturday. We spent some time looking for other options to get one but we were out of luck.

We stopped on the lower end of the trib and saw a few fresh fish being caught and we decided to go to plan B and plan C or D whatever.

We decided to head to Gowanda in search of some droppies in hopes we could get one for Tom. He was very bummed about the license fiasco

He said he had the feeling the night before that something was going to go wrong and it did. I told him you have to believe in the law of attraction. If you have positive thoughts good things will come to you. He was believing in Murphy's Law today. There were no fish for to be had in that area and I think we saw one fish caught while we were there.

Our next step was to go back low or go high. We decided to go against our normal logic and head into Zoar Valley looking for some drop backs or possibly some silver fish that may be late to the game.

The scenery was beautiful but our luck was the same. We ran into a few hacks that were sight fishing in pocket water. Basically they were lobbing weighted mono with fly rods into little chutes and pockets hoping to floss a fish or two. I did not see them succeed thank God.

We then got a call from Mr. Late Riser, Mr. Super Sizer the Big Bear himself... Big Ed. We headed down river to meet up with him in a section that had been holding skippers and smallies over the week.

I'm blaming it on the warm weather and East wind. We did not do much of any thing. Big Ed caught an emerald shiner on a pinkie and the Commander got into some bass. I pretty much sat on a log and pondered life's great secrets while refreshing myself with one of Ed's gifts.

There were 4 guys in a 10 yards section fishing a neck down who were getting into a mix of fish but that was it for the area.
It was still a worth while experience hanging out with the guys and they making me laugh with their stories.

Monday report to come.......

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Ran into Mr. Bill and Buda...

Same old story today. I promised myself I would not fish today and just give it a rest for once. But I woke up during the 3rd period of the the Canucks game on the CBC and some how stayed up the rest of the night. I turned off the unneeded alarm at 5am and geared up. I hit the Cat at daylight and decided to bushwhack a different route on the creek. Luckily I waited until daylight. It was an endless maze of bramble and thorn bush's but I got to my destination no worse for wear.
The waders only slow leaked today as I didn't go in all the way. I fished a nice little run this morning that did not produce early on. I then worked my way down stream for a few hundred yards with no success. So I started all over from the top and hit one steelie on white mesh the things slowed for a while. Bill Shearer showed up with Buda and his son and the worked the opposite bank. I switched over to jig presentations and got a few more steelhead with a small brown trout and some smallmouth mixed in. Once that sun started to get high around 11:30am to noon it got dead as a door nail out there. Bill and Buda packed it up for lunch and I hit the trail of thorns back on the opposite bank.
It was nice to finally meet Buda and his son and Bill is a class act as always. Sorry gentlemen for declining your lunch invitation. With the leaky waders I didn't want to go into the restaurant looking like I wet myself.
Tomorrow I will in all likelihood be out with the Commander somewhere. I have the urge to sit back and play guide as I have been getting some pain in my casting wrist from the daily grind on the water. Correction not a grind at all. I will cherish this season and all the hours I have spent on the water for the rest of my life. It has cleared my head and cleansed my soul. I really do feel like a new man in many ways. And while the future is uncertain, I am excited for its endless possibilities.
Until tomorrow................

Friday, April 17, 2009

This man is not happy............

Yes I am not happy. This morning Mike P. and I hit the Catt at 7am. I had the loaner Hodgman neoprene waders on with hopes they would hold me over as a temporary stop gap.

Guess what the first moment I hit the water , I fee a damp wet feel from my calf down in both legs. Yes these waders leaked too. there was bush whacking today or anything. It simply was park, walk down a path, and jump in the water. My well documented wader problems continue. Is there a good wader company out there? and where? anyone ? anyone ? Bueller?
I tried to tough it out for a little while but the water was 47 degrees and it was in the low thirties this morning. After an hour in the lower end of the system, I went back to my truck and drained out the waders, devised a mobile sock dryer, and put my cold wet feet into my boots. We stopped at Timmy Ho's for a warm up coffee and to revise our plans.
As Mike today off to fish with me, I did not want to go home and dry out and leave him hanging.

The coffee warmed me up along with the truck heater and we headed to Gowanda to get Mike a damn fish and we did that. He put on his waders and I fished from shore in my damp long underwear and sweat pants. Luckily as the day went on the temp warmed up and the breeze started to dry out the sweats.

We fished the long pool and each got a fish. I bulk shotted a white presentation with a six foot leader under a 7 gram float and popped a drop back sitting of the seam. Then shortly after that Mike got one fishing the tail out with a chartreuse presentation. He was happy and I was happy he got a fish. We tried a few other spots and Mike had one on briefly but that was it for the days events.

Then it was time for another coffee and a ride home to dry out the blown out Orvis waders from two days ago and to dry out the Hodgmans from today's mishap. Uggh!!!!

Tomorrow is up in the air right now as far as when and even if......

Have a good evening people.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bucket fishing.............

Today was my perch fishing expedition with my uncle and his grandson. There were perch caught but all of them were too small to keep.

Justin caught a few fish but FOCUS is not his strong point at this age. He would rather roam the docks looking for dead fish and other oddities with the minnow net. He generally takes pleasure in making left turns when tell him right or should I say PLEADE with him to make a right.
I told my uncle he needs to use reverse psychology on him to get anywhere.

Off to the Crown Jewel tomorrow with Mike P. What a wonderful life I can't find a job and fish and others take off from work to fish with me.

Have a good evening people......

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Skunk is off!

I was so so overtired last night that I promised myself that I was going to sleep in this morning/ after yesterday's skunkage I had enough.
Well some how the alarm went off at 5
and I woke up on the reservation. I proceeded to fish Lake Erie's Crown Jewel with out success for the first couple hours. But after moving around I hit pay dirt and got into them. They were fresh silver fish who liked to leap and cart wheel in the air.
But oh no nothing can go perfectly right?
Can it?
The neoprenes began to leak again in another spot.
Today I was wading up to my belly button and there was no getting around it. If I wanted to fish this spot. I needed to be in the water up my belly. I ignored the problem. I wasn't going to let it get me down. I put in about 5 hours and lugged my water logged waders back to my truck. It felt like I had two 25lb concrete blocks tied to my legs and I was getting a little cold.
I got back to the truck soaking wet. The waders were turned upside down and emptied.
The soaking socks were rung out and I squeezed as much water out of the sweats and long johns as possible.
I got home and had a voice message message from my Cousin's son Justin asking if I wanted to go fishing with him and his grandfather/my uncle tomorrow. I stopped over there and accepted the invite. They want to go perch fishing at a local marina and with the waders drying out I said why not. I plan on centerpinning for perch with small jigs. Sometimes you have to pay it foward. As a child my uncle took me fishing quite a bit.
I was a hyperactive brat as a child and he had the patience to take me fishing on the Cat and the 18. He also took me out to the inland trout streams as a child and up to Wellers Bay in Ontario. Those are the things you remember the most as a kid and I wasn't going to give up the opportunity to pass it on to the next generation. Justin is a horse of a kid. He is 12 or 13 and he looks like a 16 year old.
I am definitely going to take him steelheading next season. He is a good kid and I want to start him out right.
In a karmic response to my acceptance of their invitation. Justin's dad pulls into my uncle's drive way and offers to loan me his neoprenes for the rest of the season as he is in golfing mode already and doesn't plan to get out. And his foot just happens to be my size.
See good things do happen to bad people!
Perching tommorow and back to the the steel Friday.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

And the pride came before the fall....................

The Commander and I made an early run west to fish some timber on some small water that he has a particular affection for. The water was lower than normal but the pools and runs were a light green color. There was enough color to hide their inhabitants and keep them safe. Well safe from everyone except the commander.

The Commander was the timber king today. He adroitly navigated downed trees, heavily rooted under cut banks, and over hanging trees. He was the man and I was relegated to picture boy, fish tailer, and pool caddy. This was a theme that played out the entire day.

I had a cocky confidence the night before that I was going toshow the commander how it was done. I thought was going to knock out double digits today. Well the Lord struck me down for my hubris and I am the skunk man.

Back to the fishing ....

Mr. Tom got into a few droppies and a silver fish in our timber expedition. Once it slowed and Tom noticed my look of disgust and boredom from getting schooled, we headed to the Lake Erie's big trib for some action. We pulled up to our appointed destination and parked. We rigged up and were walking to the bank and I told Tom fish here and I started walking down the bank. I turn around and the commander hooked up on his first or second cast. Then he hooks up on his 4 or 5 th cast. then I walk down further and I see him screwing around near the bank and staring at me from 60 yards away. I started briskly run walking back to him as he had had on a monster male but, but, but, but... He did not have on his tailing glove on.

By the time I got close to him the fish wiggled free and I was not able to get a picture.


Tom go get your tailing glove from truck to hold on to your fish until I get there.

We worked our way upstream to a large pool and what happens? He hooks up again and I think again. All the while I'm standing there holding myself. We fished until about 2 or 2:30pm and called it.

I swear I told Tom twice that I was selling my fishing equipment and retiring. But such is the nature of the game . You walk the banks a god one day basking in your success and the next day you eat humble pie.

I was exhausted for some reason and so was the commander. Probably because we were like little kids last night eagerly waiting to get on the water. We both couldn't sleep.

Congrats Tom for making it happen on your day off and getting into them.

Maybe you can give me a few lessons?

Sincerely your friend Skunk..................

Monday, April 13, 2009

Short day scouting trip........

I woke up this morning and it was 21 degrees out. I decided to wait a bit to get out on the water. I wanted the dept to get up near freezing. When I got to the 18 the parking lot was completely full. I decided to head west to do some scouting for what will turn out to be a day on the water with Commander Tom.
I fish the lower end of a trib in some green water and hooked into 2 skippers on eggs that wiggled their way free near shore. I then decided to stop at a few other locations and ran into Dave. Dave is a nice guy to talk to as was his fishing partner. I took the picture of Dave doing battle with a steelie.
He said he got a few here or there and when we were done talking I decided to take a few drifts. My worn out line which has been on the spool since October and has been through the wars was giving me some difficulties. I decided to call it a day after about 3 1/2 hours and to a run to a few tackle shops to stock up on some goodies . While I stopped into Gander I made it a priority to pick up 330 yards of Sufix Elite in 8lb and rid my reel of the old crap which has seen better days.
The Commander called to confirm his day off from work so we will be on the water early hopefully to do some damage. Knock on wood and humbly pray to the steelhead gods along with a few tips from a couple of steelhead Gurus. Wink Wink
Until Tomorrow.......................

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Lousy Saturday..........

I don't know if it was the cold north wind, the dropping clear water conditions, or the bright sunshine but today was an off day. I was supposed to get picked in the AM by Big Ed to hit some tribs in Chautauqua County. I got a text message at the pick up time saying " Good Luck dude . Go without me and I may see you out later. You see Big Ed stayed up late last night and is not a morning person. He is a man of many responsibilities and a new born. So sometimes the multi tasking of family life takes its toll. That's OK big Ed you catch more fish between noon time and dusk than most people catch all day.

So I hopped in the truck and head west. I was at the appointed destination by 7:30 am which always seems late to me because I am usually getting out before first light. I fished the trib that had a fresh run of bullets by its mouth on Friday and to my shock I could NOT muster up a fish.

Yes I know I suck and should sell off all my equipment. I decided to turn it into a run and gun 4 trib tour at that point but my results were no better.

I stopped at the next trib which was greener than the first but was also dropping. The angle of the north wind just hit the mouth of this creek just right and it felt like I was standing in a meat locker for the hour and half I fished there. There were no signs of life so I kept working my way home.
The next trib was low and clear and hardly zero flow going on. I threw on a jig and gently twitched for about and hour and there was no luck to be found. The mouth itself was packed with 10 hardware chucking rubes who brought 5 of their 8 year olds alongwith them. I am all about shaaring the out doors with kids but they wer enot fishing they wer ejust playing in the sand.
Dude teach your kids to fish!
You must have skills if your chucking Cleo's from a lawn chair on a beach dude. that is all I am saying about that.

At that point it was almost noon so I drove by the One Eight and saw the lot filled with cars so I said F'it I am done. I wasn't feeling the mojo in my soul. I left disappointed with the days outing.

I went home and ate the the bachelor's breakfast: cold pizza and took a nap. I woke up around 3 pm and Big Ed called. He just respooled his pin with new line and was weighing if he should sneak out and fish the conditions I informed of or watch the shit ass Sabres play the last game of the season. Big Ed loves the Sabres but we both know they don't deserve to be in the playoffs because they leave their hearts at the locker room door and lose 14 games a season to bottom dwelling teams. Well of course Ed did not go as he was held down by the yoke of afternoon family responsibilities. Once again that is what life is about. Family first. Steelhead second.

Then commander Tom calls and says that he got an afternoon pass from the wife and he will drive by to pick me up. We went back to Chautauqua County until dusk. I couldn't catch a cold today. Zero for me but the Commander used his pink worm skills to the best of his abilities and had 3 0r 4 hits and caught one feisty little girl that leaped into the air and put on a show for Tom. Good for you man! Getting out for a couple does pay off once in a while.

The trib flows are dropping so some of the smaller ones are going to be sucking over the next few days. Keep on the move and look for fish. Don't waste too much time on any one trib unless you get into them.

Happy Easter.................

A few pics from Friday.....

Just a few pics of the hard fighting silver bullets from Friday. They are not big fish but pound for pound they put on a show.
Mike P. and Commander Tom I am going to get you drifting with pins sooner or later.

Friday, April 10, 2009

On the road to no where.............

Today was a 4 trib journey with Commander Tom and Mike P..

Let me start off by saying that the last two evenings there has been an upward spike on the Hydro graphs which equated to slightly higher water but more importantly muddy water and colder water.

That screwed up the mouth of the 18 yesterday and all I could manage was one fish on a smaller local trib.

Today was more of the same.The unholy trinity set out at 6:30 am to the 18 and it was sucking there down low. Mike was able to scrounged up only one silver bullet but it was muddy,cold, and slow. We then started our journey to 3 other tribs in Erie and Chautauqua counties. While the numbers were not great, we made due with what we could and the other trib's colorations were a hell of a lot better.

The fish were taken on sacks, jigs, and one was taken on hardware. A few bass were thrown into the mix also for bonus action. I guess the joy of the day was just hanging out with the guys and bull shitting while we drove from creek to creek. Mike P. had to stop at 4 Timmy Ho's to get the Caffiene monkey off his back. Bad Monkey!

I will probably close my eyes tonight and wake up to another spike on the graph...nice ...real nice.

until tomorrow and I think Mister Mike has some pics on his camera......